這本書說明近代軟體的情況,包含 Rest and JSON, Client-side Frameworks, API Design and Rapid Development Practice 等等。
在web-based application 出現很多有用的 library 和 framework 可是在如何搭配使用就是一門學問了 .
再搭配之前要先了解Webpage, 其實整個瀏覽器就是由 CSS、HTML和Javascript組成的網頁。
清楚定義與說明新的東西了那些是library 和framework,了解本質是很重要的。
Library : JQuery, Modernizr, Underscore
Framework : Backbone, AngularJs, Ember
With this in mind , productivity improvements can be made to interactions between :
- People (with each other
- Computer
- People and computers
其中討論People and Computers are the resources that perform the work required to complete a task. To increase productivity:
- Redefine the task
- Increase efficiency (of a given resource or in interactions between resources)
- Increase resources
- Increase effort (get more out of each resource through additional work).
在每一項都要了解是Humans or Computers 方面不足或是那一方面可以加強的。