https://github.com/dakk/jquery-multilang a simple and fast multilanguage lib for jQuery.
Put the attribute tkey in each element you want to translate:
放 attribute tkey 在每個元素你要翻譯的
<p tkey="string-key-example"></p>
Modify the lang json files, having one translated string for each tkey in each language file:
修改 Lang 資料夾中的json 檔案,每一個Key word 對應所需要翻譯的字。
"string-key-example" : "Example string in English"
Load jquery.js and lang.js at the end of the HTML file:
別忘了要在要翻譯的HTML檔案中加載 Jquery.js and Lang.js檔案
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="lang.js"></script>
I modified the original file to have language switch
我修改了本來的檔案, 有語言切換器。
If you encounter problem, please look at the below link