In this homework you will build a small replica set on your own computer. We will check that it works with validate.py, which you should download from the Download Handout link.
Create three directories for the three mongod processes. On unix, this could be done as follows:
mkdir -p /data/rs1 /data/rs2 /data/rs3
Now start three mongo instances as follows. Note that are three commands. The browser is probably wrapping them visually.
mongod --replSet m101 --logpath "1.log" --dbpath /data/rs1 --port 27017 --smallfiles --oplogSize 64 --fork mongod --replSet m101 --logpath "2.log" --dbpath /data/rs2 --port 27018 --smallfiles --oplogSize 64 --fork mongod --replSet m101 --logpath "3.log" --dbpath /data/rs3 --port 27019 --smallfiles --oplogSize 64 --fork
Windows users: Omit -p
from mkdir
. Also omit --fork
and use start mongod
with Windows compatible paths (i.e. backslashes "\") for the --dbpath
argument (e.g;C:\data\rs1
Now connect to a mongo shell and make sure it comes up
mongo --port 27017
Now you will create the replica set. Type the following commands into the mongo shell:
config = { _id: "m101", members:[ { _id : 0, host : "localhost:27017"}, { _id : 1, host : "localhost:27018"}, { _id : 2, host : "localhost:27019"} ] }; rs.initiate(config);
At this point, the replica set should be coming up. You can type
to see the state of replication.
Now run validate.py to confirm that it works.
python validate.py
Validate connects to your local replica set and checks that it has three nodes. It has been tested under Pymongo 2.3 and 2.4. Type the validation code below.
因為我是在windows環境下做功課,所以有些困難的。在做作業之前,要先把default mongodb server關掉,然後一一的執行下列指定。
start mongod --replSet m101 --logpath "1.log" --dbpath \data\rs1 --port 27017 --smallfiles --oplogSize 64
start mongod --replSet m101 --logpath "2.log" --dbpath C:\data\rs2 --port 27018 --smallfiles --oplogSize 64
start mongod --replSet m101 --logpath "3.log" --dbpath C:\data\rs3 --port 27019 --smallfiles --oplogSize 64
mongo --port 27017
config = { _id: "m101", members:[ { _id : 0, host : "localhost:27017"}, { _id : 1, host : "localhost:27018"}, { _id : 2, host : "localhost:27019"} ] };
最後回到command line 執行 validate.py來驗證
python validate.py